glorious 2 u

 5 days 2 posts

My daughter was attacked by a barred owl the other night running home and I am so proud and so jealous, IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN ME. Or I should have been there to yell DUCK and then do my dad joke pause. It was the second time this month she was harassed by this bird, so she looked up how other people deal with this menace. 

There's this lady in Seattle that figured out how to stay safe by wearing an owl mask on the back of her head.


Some biologist.


I don't know her name.

Who? Who?

So I also did 4 hours of internet research, mostly to find out the origin of the word duck as a verb and it's as cool as it sounds. Like, I remember when you had to go to the library or talk to a really old relative whenever you wanted to find out something so simple as meaningless history.


The house is quiet, I am usually alone after Christmas, as Alex stays with her sister, and I sent off to some online company that repairs broken hard drives and they sent back all my files, which I had written off. There was nothing incriminating legally speaking but lots of stuff that make me feel like a bad person but I'm watching lots of dramedies that include therapy skits so I'm well on my way to healing. 

The house is quiet, and lately so are my thoughts, usually a chinook wind of turbulence. I have a long list of things to do that require almost no cognition - winterizing the boat, putting up the christmas lights, inspecting the septic (actually, that took a class AND I HAVE THE CERTIFICATE TO PROVE IT). We have a nice house and good careers and a brand new Concept 2 Rower!!! but dreams? What's next? The last time I had a health scare, my automatic response was BUT I HAVE SO MUCH TO LIVE F-


I went out to see if I could find the owl, but no luck. I'll try again tomorrow.
